Grief and Loss Counselling Perth
It is noticeable that a high proportion of clients that come to grief and loss counselling are struggling with some level of grief. The majority appear to be in relation to problems within their relationships. These are:
✓ Grief through separation/divorce
✓ Death of a spouse
✓ Difficulties maintaining meaningful relationships
✓ Unhealthy relationships
✓ Negotiating the developmental changes in the relationship
Losses in these issues arise in many forms and each person will approach grieving differently. There are many forms of loss, for example it may be a loss of a limb, or the loss of an organ and many who have had a serious illness grieve the loss of how life once was. With many of us choosing to live in a new country this also incurs a loss. The death of a family pet is, to many, as painful as losing a family member. Let us help you with our supportive Grief and Loss Counselling services.
Stages of Grief
There are several stages of grief; Elizabeth Kubler Ross speaks of the ‘5 stages of grief’
1. Denial
2. Bargaining
3. Anger
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
These stages for some happen in sequence but not for all, and the stages can over lap and happen many times. It is important that the client realises that this experience is not unusual and is part of the normal grieving process. There are other feelings that we consider part of the stages of grieving, these are:
✓ Shock
✓ Denial
✓ Emotional, psychological and physical symptoms
✓ Depression
✓ Guilt
✓ Anger
✓ Idealisation
✓ Realism
✓ Acceptance
✓ Readjustment
✓ Personal Growth
If a person is unable to work through the stages of grief, they may become stuck and feel an over whelming sense of hopelessness and despair. Eventually they may end up deeply depressed and possibly suicidal for this reason it is crucial to get professional help as soon as possible. The Grief and Loss Counselling process encourages the grieving process to occur. It is important for the client to be able to express emotions freely. Remember we are all different in how we work through the stages of grief, and it will take however long it takes.
For grief and loss as well as other types of counselling in Perth, get in touch with Lynne’s Life Coaching & Counselling 4 Life today.